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The website provides systematic trainings on AWS and DEVOPS by providing important Links, videos and tutorials and white papers that are relevant to developing real time projects in companies. Hence frequently going through the artifacts will keep a learner up to date.

Currently, it is only AWS, but we will venture into Azure and GCP in near future.

There is one direct link to Big-data project platform. Additionally, there direct links to AWS project platform, with abundant links to project related videos, Links, and articles.

Subscribers can avail of all the benefits permanently for a lifetime charge of $125, payable only once.

The website provides systematic trainings on AWS and DEVOPS by providing important Links, videos and tutorials and white papers that are relevant to developing real time projects in companies.

This website is built with the sole objective of providing training on Cloud computing to freshers who are new in this field. Even experienced IT candidates who have tons of experience on Legacy systems but new to cloud computing can be immensely benefited from this website.

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