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Please navigate through the MAIN LINKS (Home, About us, Trainings, Contact us, Register, Log in, FAQ, Terms and conditions, Privacy policy, Refunds and cancellations, etc.) by CTRL+CLICK instead of "normal-click". When you are browsing the PROJECT LINKS, STUDY LINKS, INTERVIEW QUESTIONS, DEMOS, BLOGS, etc., it will keep you in the "same page" and open the "above mentioned links" in new Tabs. Happy learning !!!

The website provides systematic trainings on AWS and DEVOPS by providing important Blogs, Links, videos and tutorials and white papers that are relevant to developing real time projects in companies. Hence frequently going through the artifacts will keep a learner up to date.

Currently, it is only AWS, but we will venture into Azure and GCP in near future.

In the PROJECT LINKS section, there are direct links to AWS sample projects, project related videos, Links, and articles. The projects comprise important use cases that are solved by experts. The steps are also mentioned in details.

Subscribers can avail of all the benefits permanently for a lifetime charge of $90 (INR 7542.90), payable only once.

The website provides systematic trainings on AWS and DEVOPS by providing important Links, videos and tutorials and white papers that are relevant to developing real time projects in companies.

BLACK CUSTOMER - those who do NOT register but keep posting queries from the ASK ME section.
BLUE CUSTOMER - those who register but are yet to buy the product. Such customers can notice the BLUE ICON on top right after logging in. Only "free Links" are accessible by such customers. They can raise questions from the ASK ME section.
GREEN CUSTOMER - those who register and buys the product. Such customers can notice the GREEN ICON on top right after logging in. All Links are unlocked for such customers. They can raise questions from the ASK ME section.
ORANGE CUSTOMER - those who register, attempts to buy the product but fails to make the payment online. Such customers can notice the ORANGE ICON on top right after logging in. Only "free Links" are accessible by such customers. They can raise questions from the ASK ME section.
RED CUSTOMER - those who have asked for refund within 2 weeks of purchasing the product and their refund requests are approved. Such customers will NOT be able to log in anymore. They can only raise questions from the ASK ME section.

You can only contact through email (email and keep in CC) OR raise queries, post feebacks and suggestions from the ASK ME section. There are NO Helpline numbers available.

The cost of the product can change in future but the buying price for an individual customer remains fixed. Example - if the customer purchases at $90 and after 1 year the product cost increases to $100, the customer need not pay anything extra even if more product features are added.

Debit cards and Credit cards of all types that are mentioned on the Payment Gateway.

Check your card balance / available balance first. If that is fine, there can be an issue with Payment Gateway. Your status will turn ORANGE and you should email (keeping in CC) for further queries. Our support team will be happy to assist you.

Cancellations made within 2 weeks after payment will receive a 100% refund. Cancellations and refunds requested after 2 weeks of payment will NOT be entertained.

First, you need to raise the Refunds request from the Refunds and Cancellations section within 2 weeks of purchasing this product. Please mention your Bank details including SWIFT CODE / IFSC CODE, Name, Account No, etc. You need to be in constant touch by exchanging emails. After we confirm your Refund request, the amount will be credited to your bank account within a week.

NO. You will be a defunct user as per records. You won't be able to log in anymore. Your status will turn RED and you should email (keeping in CC) for further queries. Our support team will be happy to assist you. However, if you want to re-purchase the product, you need to re-register with a "different email id" first and contact us.

You can either purchase the product and you will NOT receive these emails again. If you choose to wait for a few more days, we will continue to send the automated emails reminding you to subscribe and avail of the product benefits. If you don't want such automated emails, you can email (keeping in CC) OR raise a Do not disturb enquiry from the ASK ME section. Our support team will be happy to assist you.

You can choose the option Resend emails enquiry from the ASK ME section and raise a query from your end.

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